Beta Progress Update #3

Hi! welcome to the Third Progress Update of Beta 1 of Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster!

Another Very Sizable Progress Update and its Even Larger than Progress Update #2, So There will be a bunch of Improved and Updated Stuff. Anyways, lets go through the post!


The level editor is now fully completed with a few bugs to fix, but aside that its done!

I. Starting off with... Editor Submenus!

This image shows off some minor changes added to the editor. Heres a quick look:

As you can see, the new buttons were added, Adjust Block, and Save Files.

Adjust Block

The adjust block is the home submenu for our old editor tile settings,  rotation, movement of editor block, size, and player size.

The editor tile tools are now upgraded, the player can set tiles to any size, and rotation, any movement distance of editor blocks, and any player size. So it should be fun and convenient way to make levels now,

Save Files!

The Save Files button are the new home for using multiple save files for levels. 

Now the player can play them, name them, delete them or load them in Level Editor, with this, the player can easily navigate level storage and use them to store cool levels they made. 

II. New Stuff/Editor Blocks added to level editor!

Tape and Taping Thing.

Oh Yeah, the items from PreAlpha 1 added to the Level Editor. it adds a mechanic to the level editor where the player can make baldi deaf with tape.

Keys and Vending Machines.

The New Beta 1 blocks are fun to play with. you collect a certain number of keys, and then be able to unlock them for notebooks.

Mini Potions.

The Mini potion is the mechanic i kept a secret in Progress Update #1 for Floor 5 in Ultimate Mode, when player enters it, player shrinks!

Final Touches... Editor Settings Changes!

The Editor,s Final Thing Done is Editor settings! Now, they have Improved UI, categories, and less limitations!

The first category is the normal settings, which seen here, you have basic settings and set time limits and events. as you can see, baldi slap interwal editor is much more customizable, and the fanmade BBCR wallspaper UI was used.

The second category is Other Settings, which are bonus custom settings to deal with, like fun settings and enabled challenges, they might not be a lot in prerelease.

The Third Category is Advanced Settings, which are complicated settings, such as Baldi speed decrease (per notebook) setting, baldi view settings, and a few more hard settings.

The Last Category is The Character Settings, where you can set character spawns and enable/disable characters. neat one.

This marks the Editor being COMPLETE!

III. Credits!

In Beta 1, Credits will be completly different. 

in Alpha 7B, the credits were available in mode section.

However, in Beta 1, the credits are moved to the Extras Tab of the Settings Tab.

Do you recognise the design of credits that has a dark screen and the text slowly moves up? thats what the credits were built like. 

If you see yourself in Credits, Thanks for supporting, you were a great person in this game community.

IV. Bored of Baldi? Play with Shadowaldi!

 This is the new shadowaldi character, inspired by BFNSU and BFNSRM. 

The Mechanic is bit unique, recently, i made every custom baldi have a unique ability, baldi be affected by fog, maldi shortens events, and Thraldi takes items away from player and takes them on Thraldi,s Path

Shadowaldi,s Ability is being invisable from a bit far away, only visable from being close to player.

V. New " REAL " Ending!

The Real Ending is quite interesting AND SCARY. 

The Ending Starts with me and baldi speaking to the player for 30 seconds, then, baldi tells player to leave. When the player tries to leave the schoolhouse gets a dark secret.

The Map gets scary and darker, the exit in the right side of the map reqires a key, but there isnt at all, its only there once you Beat NULL V2, the character all behind this.

Anyways, after the player tries to find the key, the key " is " here. but behind closely is NULL V2, once the player enters the room, The lights brighten, NULL V2 starts quickly perching and Catching the player, the sounds NULL V2 sounds like screaming, so its also scary, and can be considered a jumpscare.

When you beat NULL V2, you can actually get the key since he,s gone and Dead. and you can unlock the good ending. which will show

my welcoming message and congratulating the player and thanking the player for playing my game.

The Ending will be updated after the prerelease, in the Full Beta 1 Update. so for now, it will be this.

VI. Bonus Mode Maps!

1. Reworked OG Mixed Mode Map!

I Slightly changed Mixed Mode Map from Alpha 7B and now this is what it looks like!

the map feels like an average mode that will be in Bonus Mode, it has 6 notebooks, 3 exits, 2 sprays, teleporter, tape, zesty bar, event machine. it also utilizes the cherry the first time in a different map since in demo style in PreAlpha 4.

The items reqiring sprays to get them is intentional and part of level design. all events and characters are here. its also easy to get detention beacuse most notebooks are accesible from going into areas not tolerated by the principal.

The map isnt very easy, but still doable.

2. Notebook Finder!

Okay, this doesnt feel like a fitting map for Bonus Mode, but its fun to have an intense map with some gimmicks. so i implemented it. and here is what the map looks like.

The game has 2 minute time limit, has 20 WHOPPING NOTEBOOKS, baldi in early game is slow like a hedgeog, but in late game you might expect him faster than you. Dont Worry! there are always a lot of items to support you, such as 6 Sprays, 1 Grapple, Zesty bar. So you can have some help and it should make gameplay easier. i hope.

3. Key-Note Map!

The Map Is reccomended to Play, Its Similar to Floor 6 of Ultimate Mode, But With normal Deco. It Also Has 2 mini fields with tables and a bench. ,There is Also a Notebook You need to Use spray on, An event room Again, A Fun Field.

It Has 8 Notebooks And 7 Keys, The map Build Is A bit random, but its Still Fun. the map has some charm and excellent for a gimmick bonus level, i hope you guys enjoy it!

VII. Neeew Minigame! Mansion Escape

The Fourth Minigame will be Mansion Escape! the mansion escape minigame Utilizes New Mechanics From Floor 6 of Ultimate Mode and New Shadowaldi Character. 

The Player needs to collect 6 grey keys around the map, there are 4 wending machines in the map to exchange for more keys, there are three red wending machines, to exchange 2 grey keys to 1 red key, then, in the starter place, the player can exchange 3 red keys to 1 blue key, the blue key is mandatory to escape the minigame. But This Is Easier Said Than Done!

The player needs to deal with the new custom baldi character, Shadowaldi, which is quite interesting in this minigame. 

When the minigame starts, the player has 20 seconds before Shadowaldi starts. Shadowaldi starts off extremly slow, but every second, he gets Faster, about 0.00672 steps per second, about 0.65% player speed per second, SO DONT WASTE TIME, get the keys quickly and escape! the minigame lasts a few minutes and average end speed for Shadowaldi is almost the same as player,s speed, so keep in mind to save stamina.

The minigame also has dark lights and Shadowaldi isnt too visable so its a bit scary

VIII. Game Optimizations! (again)

The game code amount started to rise again, so why not decrease it again?

I optimized the object count from 23000 to 20400, which i got rid of some sprites to optimize.

Achievments Optimizing!

Would you look at that! every achievment had its own sprite, but now, these 13 achievments are connected to a single sprite, and it works properly! it optimized 200-300 objects and it is a super optimizer for future achievments.

IX. Switching HTML type files.

The Game got some optimizations again, but the game file size is too big for browser version and ZIP version to work, so, i used a Turbowarp Packager!

The Turbowarp Packager generates Files that work on browsers, the file size is bigger, on HTMLifier has 310MB, but Turbowarp Packager gives 520MB! i optimized the file size again and the file size was decreased by another 18MB (182/200 MBs)

X. Want to have a HeadStart? Try out Bundles!

If the player doesnt want to struggle with collecting items, Bundles come to the rescue!

There are Three Types of Bundles, decent, which give you basically starter items, Great pack, which gives you an advantage, and Epic Pack, which can give you a massive headstart giving a lot of premium items and a lot of FabiPoints.

I will change the price soon. the Decent pack can be opened for free when first time opening it. or spend 1-2 golden quarters, Great pack reqires 4-6 golden quarters, and Epic Pack reqires 10-15 Golden Quarters (prices are subject to change)

The Reward Button doesnt give you rewards, it just announces the prize you got from opening the bundles.

XI. Audience Expansion! Tiktok.

Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster needs a promotion, so why not record it and make videos of it? i recently started tiktok with a headstart of 32 followers. i will record all sorts of stuff here, i already made a new preview of the new ending. I currently dont get many views right now, but i will soon have, since Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster wasnt recorded to any audience yet, so i take the job.

Also, i planned with MartinPresentsDEV to record videos of Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster, unfortunately he coudnt on the Previous Alpha 7B version. but now, its an opprutunity. i hope


Welcome to an Update of Baldi Jumpscares, now, when players get caught by baldi, the map turns red and dark, and Baldi got 8 new jumpscare sounds, half of them are scarier than the original one.

I used most of 10 first jumpscares in this page:

XIII. Night Mode Gone... Sorry :(

Night mode happened Past 8PM, it had their own night soundtracks and effect in main menu, but it is Deleted in Beta 1. WHY?

The Game was Trying to Optimize as Much as possible, All the night soundtracks took up 23% of THE ENTIRE GAME,S FILE SIZE. so i deleted for optimizations and saved around 40 MBs

Secondly, The effect in Main Menu wasnt good and felt like placeholders. which is another reason.

Anyways, I HOPE that this wasnt a too controversial decision. i needed to do that, so i did. I will maybe add it one day with much more compressed audio tracks.

XIV. Uhhhh, Gambling Time!

Welcome to the Gambling Era! Well, not really, but the Gambling feature happens in so many games and it is quite addictive, it of course had to touch Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster. The Way it works is you can choose the amount of FabiBucks (FBs), Max 50% of your FBs as you can see in gamble description

once you are done with choosing, you can agree with your amount and There is 50% chance you get the amount of FBs you wanted, or lose half of it! its a risky but fun way to get Free FBs! i hope you guys enjoy it!

The Gambling Station is like Weather Changes. in one day there is Thunder, and on another day it is Foggy, you get the point

You Might have Realised something about the shop. So, let me introduce you to:

XV. New Changes to Shop!

In the Beta 1 Update, Lockers will be REMOVED beacuse of how USELESS they are, meaning Zesty Bars and Sprays will be Transported to Inventory Slots Straight away. and the Sell Spray/Zesty Bar will be now in the Shop.

for those who need a refresher, the player can sell Sprays and Zesty Bars for half the Bought Price, if player doesnt need them, the player

can make a profit of it!

The shop was Renamed to FabiPointer Store, where there is Updated Description and Removed Annoying Sign of " 10% DISCOUNT " also, some items obtainable ingame can now be found in Shops! such as Grapple, costing 50 FBs, Diet Spray, costing 7 FBs, being the NEW Least expensive item in the game! and Tape, costing 20 FBs.

I also switched a few items from Premium Tab or Normal Tab to opposite Tabs, such as Mask and Hair Dryer.

Also, you might have saw a few Green and Red Numbers on a few items, which nicely leads to:

XVI. Price Changes:

Thats right! Since FBs beacame More Accesible, we need to up the price! dont worry, not yet! only a few items got Upcounted, but the Upcounted items were quite good. Also, a few items got Discount! but these were mostly items that are barely useful. The Prices of All Chosen Items together rose from 110 to 150 FBs, most prices stayed beacuse:

Firstly, I Actually care about the audience and want prices Reasonable, Unlike Roblox, who puts awatar sets for 5 dollars

Secondly, i want to encourage players to buy more items at once. which seems a bit weird, but i dont want prices to be too expensive.

Anyways, here are the price changes:

Hair Dryer ( ↑20) costs 50 fabibucks instead of 30.

Baldi Ruler (↓5) costs 15 fabibucks instead of 20

Mask ( ↑6) costs 36 fabibucks instead of 30.

Water Bottle ( ↑5) costs 30 fabibucks instead of 25.


XVII. NEW Random Dynamic Price Changes!

The new Mechanic is that Prices can go up or down! WHENEVER Player gets a golden quarter, The prices change, DONT WORRY, THE PRICES DONT GO UP INDEFINETLY, IT DOESNT WORK LIKE ROBLOX!

in roblox, prices can increase or decrease indefinetly, meaning prices can go as high or low as they want. BUT in Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster, prices have 3/5 chance to be in its medium price state, 1/5 chance to be in its low price state or high price state. if you dont know, low price state/high price state are the picked item prices for having a lower or higher price, so it doesnt work like most games like roblox.

for example, if i would make an item that costs 50 FBs, the 50 FBs would be its medium price state, being in its own intended price, low price state would be 40 FBs for example, and high price state would be 60 FBs for example, this is what i mean for these different price states.

Now, once you know what i mean, let me tell you the prices the items can have:

Diet Spray! Original Price: 7 FBs, price difference: 5-10 FBs

Spray! Original Price: 15 FBs, price difference: 9-22 FBs

Teleporter! Original Prize: 40 FBs, price difference: 30-52 FBs

Water Bottle! Original Prize: 30 FBs, price difference: 22-40 FBs

Golden Spray! Original Prize: 40 FBs, price difference: 40-52 FBs

Hair Dryer! Original Prize: 50 FBs, price difference: 37-62 FBs

Grapple! Original Prize: 50 FBs, price difference: 40-60 FBs

Void Lanucher! Original Prize: 55 FBs, price difference: 43-68 FBs

Tape! Original Prize: 20 FBs, price difference: 15-29 FBs

XVIII. Neeeew Best Item! Void Launcher Item!

  This the New Most Expensive item in the game, costs 55 FBs, it is once of the strongest items in game. and its a fun item to use.

You need to click on the Item,s slot to activate. Once you do it, the Suck Hole will spawn, which works like a Sprayer Projectile, but the Suck Hole is 5x more Powerful.

The Goal of the Suck Hole is to Suck Baldi, when Baldi is trapped, hes trapped for 20 seconds until he teleports to random location, which is fun to trap baldi, but bad when you are INSANELY UNLUCKY and baldi teleports to you. but 99% of the time it wont happen. 

The Best part of the suck hole is that it never dissapears! its here for the rest of the floor/level/run or whatever you call. so if you use it in a decently good spot, its literally so effective. i hope you will LOVE that item!

XIX. Upcoming Gamemodes Preview Showcases!

Multiplayer and Random Mode wont be available yet, BUT, you will be able to see The Previews of The Gamemode, the game will explain the

gamemodes in top corner of Multiplayer Map, and Bottom Corner of Random Mode.

Multiplayer map shown here is just a placeholder and will be Revamped in Future Update (Beta 2).

The previews can show teasers of Upcoming Gamemodes. so it will be an exciting way to show players the future of the game. (IDK what im talking) anyways, lets go to the next addition.

XX. More Detailed Account Info Section!

This is the Account Section for Beta 1. as you can see, there are now starter packs, change account button, Quarters thing, FabiRanks (we will get to soon) and the Game Statistics button, which shows stats, works like older Alpha Versions of this game. There are also starter Bundles/Packs. 

Now the game is truly detailed and can help players track their progress based on if they have enough FabiBucks, how many detentions they have, or how many items they wasted. you get the point

XXI. Sad News, Mobile Support is Deleted.

Okay, this may be a silly change, so many of you guys would ask: WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT??????

Okay, let me explain.

Firstly, the game,s File size was Huge, 190 MB, so running on Mobile Devices is Almost Unfeasable, unless you have some strong IPhone 15. the game cant load even on my 8GB RAM 90hz 256GB phone, which pretty much explains it.

Secondly, The Game wasnt Designed to be Well Played on Mobile. the GOD AWFUL Mobile controls also explains it, buttons to run and stop on the other side of the screen?! while you can easily use keybinds to do it??? yeah/

Thirdly, Based on Game Info, its meant to be Played on PC, so again, Another Reason.

Lastly, for the sake of Optimizations, i deleted Mobile Support beacuse it sucks and Probably not work in Beta 1.  the Deletions deleted 2-5% of the game,s code.

So currently, Mobile wont be for now, but who knows? maybe one day, i will add it again with reworks.

Lets go to the next section:

XXII. FabiBucks Fix!

FabiBucks Mechanic just got a Rework! Now you can only get FabiBucks from Beating a Level, and now you can get FabiBucks from Achievments and Ultimate Mode! Back in the Day, FabiBucks were Only Obtainable from Normal Mode, which made the ways to get FabiBucls a bit weird, but now, the player can get it from Every Mode! it will be a great way of getting points more easily to buy items!

Also, FabiBucks got a FUN FIX! now the player wont lose items bought from store when lost from Baldi. cool right?

Account Transfers are now fixed in Beta 1. items no longer are not transfered between accounts anymore. i wanted to include the change, but its not a very big change, just a tiny fix :)

XXIII. Big(ger) Optimizations!

Alpha 7B was quite unoptimized, it has 23000 code blocks and 150 MBs, in the middle of Beta 1, it has 24000 code blocks and 205 MBs, this was a big problem, since the game,s engine, turbowarp, struggled to save the project, so, in last week of making the prerelease, i did a very important thing, optimized the game!

Now the File Size went from 208 MBs (the largest file size of the game) all the way to 147 MBs, 60 MB Difference! and the file size is even smaller than Alpha 7B.

Here,s how i did it:

In middle of Beta 1, sometimes turbowarp started Failing to save project, and i got a golden idea in my head, OPTIMIZE!

I started combining Notebooks, exits into a single item, saving so much code, the amount of code went from 24000 to 19200! however, the file size wasnt affected much. thats beacuse a giant portion of the file size consisted of Music Files. 

After that, i Deleted Soundtracks that werent Much Contributed, there was a sprite that had 20 MB of unused music files, 10% of THE ENTIRE SAVE FILE! i deleted it, and the save file had 182 MBs. then. i started making possibly controversial decisions, like remove mobile beacuse it sucked, night mode for sake of optimizing, deleting baldi clone event. but this saved me another 20 MB! decreasing Game File by 13%! then in the end, i optimized the amount of Editor Soundtracks, Ultimately Decreasing Save File to 147 MBs! Alpha 7B has more than that! the game can now fit much more upcoming content!

Meanwhile. the code blocks are still almost identical (22500 ((Beta 1)) - 23000 ((Alpha 7B)) im proud of what i did.

Dont Believe me? then look at the comparison of save files:

This was my Save File a month ago. (BEFORE OPTIMIZATIONS)

Well this is my current save file Now. (AFTER OPTIMIZATIONS)

XXIV. New Character! Doppelganger!

Many of you guys probably saw Doppelganger from Baldi Basics Mod 2.0 update. it shoots Gum Balls whenever he gets angry, and these gumballs push Player away from Baldi. i added the character to Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster, but with a few reworks

Firstly, it roams randomly around the map, and it never gets angry or happy when player does something.

Secondly, it still shoots gum balls, but the gum balls are red and has 50% chance for the gum ball to rotate to player or baldi

Thirdly, Baldi or Player can get pushed (in big areas) or stopped by (applied for player in small areas) no matter who did the gum ball actually go towards to.

Lastly, it spawns in Normal Mode or in Floor 3+ in Ultimate Mode. it also has different texture.

In Other Words, The Doppelganger is an Interesting character to be added, i hope you will guys enjoy it.

Now, we covered all Beta 1 prerelease changes

XXV. Floor 2 Revamp!

This was the old map terrain of Floor 2 in Alpha 7B

Yeah, nothing to explore here, just almost no faculty, cafeteria, and no things to explore. well, how about now???

Now the map is Much Better! it still has Shop Pass Gimmick, Spray Utilize Gimmick, cafeteria gimmick, but the map is renewed now! With a total of 5 notebooks, having 3.5 minute time limit, 3 sprays, bigger map, zesty bar, diet spray. IT ALSO uses the Baldi Trap item and Water Bottle Item in Other mode than Normal mode! and the Water Bottle is Used in Gamemodes First time! The New Additions can Greatly Enhance Gameplay and Mechanics. which is what the game wants to do right now. the Floor isnt too hard, but might reqire a bit of practice. Anyways, there are 2 more revamped floors i wanna talk about:

XXVI. Floor 3 Revamp!

Here is The Old Map Layout of Floor 3 in Alpha 7B:

A bit boring. there is a secret tho (secrets areas arent added in Beta 1), an event machine, where there were 3 events, Nextbot, baldi clone and Fog.  There was a gimmick to get the final notebook through getting all other notebooks. Anyways, i redesigned Floor 3, and here,s what it looks like!

Now its Much Better! the Get-all-4-notebook gimmick got replaced by a Lever in the map, where pressing it activates the possibility of getting one of the notebooks, also, one of the classrooms  Is locked Under Faculty Rooms, The mask Is Now In Detention room, The Secret Is Still here, There Is Now An event room, where The Event machine Appears.

Floor 3 Is Quite easy to Get stuck on, but its Still doable, Floor 3 also Has Baldi Ruler And Event Ticket, The Items That Didnt Appear In Gamemodes Until Now.

Overall, I Like The Floor, And i Hope People enjoy It.

XXVII. Floor 4 Revamp!

Here is an Alpha 7B preview of Floor 4 of Ultimate Mode.

(Alpha 7B) F4 Ultimate

As you can see, it has a bit of lore in here, 6 notebooks, faculty room in one place, small detention room, field. isnt very interesting. but what about now?


Now it actually has a fun Gimmick! now there is a giant field, some random dead ends to get cool items or a notebook, a house in the field, and there will be bushes, where the player can enter them to get the notebook, There will also be a Notebook where it constantly teleports! it has 1 cherry, two sprays, 2 zesty bars, trap item, keys (FINALLY USED IN OTHER GAMEMODE THAN NORMAL MODE), the time limit is 4 minutes, i hope the floor will be enjoyable, there is also a Event room, the player will have to wait until an event spawns to get the notebook. A TON OF FUN GIMMICKS RIGHT! i hope.

Entire Ultimate Mode is Revamped in Maps!

XXVIII. Storylines??? + very minor changes to Ultimate Mode

When starting a Floor of Normal Part of Ultimate Mode, a Creepy voice (NULL V2)

Will talk to the player for 30 Seconds (The player Can skip) And It tells about a Potion, Jimmy, Notebooks, And a MISSION. You Will Know Soon :)

Also, Here Are More Minor Changes:

- In Main Menu, Baldi Will dress depending on the Season.

- More Decorations Added to Ultimate Floors.

- Added Wider Fog to Player All The Time, Now Player Can See The Entire map at Once

- Also, the Game will have a GamePass Version for 1$, it will have things shown in the picture:

Anyways, Hope You enjoy The Changes!

XXIX. Before Lastly, Unity Operation Upcoming ( not in baldi ultimate remaster tho)

I Want to attempt to One Day make Games in Unity. so i downloaded it, and i will regularly practice with new objects.

i am already fimiliar with a few code, like /update, /start, Positions Dynamic, Occuling, center, size, editor collider, objects reccomended by Unity.

I will practice in a More Modern Version, Unity 6. i want to practice something new every day, new stuff, it will take me a couple months to make good content, but i can do it :)

Once Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster is Done, i will make Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster Reworked/Plus, or its up to your suggestions :) but most importantly, the game will be done on a different engine, unity, the time it will happen in 1-2 years, beacuse im still a begginer now, like bro, im STILL 13! I dont think that coding on Unity at a age of 13 is way too unachievable for a young human like me, but i will improve over time. there will be 3D gameplay, the gamemodes will be More Interesting, More Animations, and More! the NEW Baldi,s Ultimate Remaster will just have 1-1 content, but it will be more interesting since you can do many more things in UNITY!

Anyways, im still sticking to Scratch, but one day, this may change.

Now, the last change:

XXX. Beta 1 Pre-Release in few days finally Release!

Beta 1 will be Released on March 15th, its development took 3.5 Months, fixing multiple issues, having reworks, many UI changes, upgrades, tons of new features, Optimizations, and MORE! thanks for waiting all Along! if you find any Bugs or mistakes, Report it to me and i will Fix them, i am activate every day so i am open to reviews and issue reports. Thanks, and Enjoy this Update!

Anyways, You can see the FULL changelog here:

The changelog has every single change/bug fix/addition/improvement/revamp/rework/other fun stuff/editor stuff, and more!!! reccomend reading it if you didnt read ALL 3 Beta Progress Updates.

Beta 1 is now 78% done.

Beta 1 FULL will Release in Almost 1 month. anyways, HAPPY PLAYING! and See you once FULL BETA 1 comes out!

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This is probably the last Beta 1 post, Progress Update #4 will be an Update Status for Beta 2. stay tuned!